Shoes and women...

Shoes and women... Think about that for a second there is nothing that even comes close to that relationship in a mans life (to my knowledge). A woman has a pair of shoes for every possible outfit that she might wear, and if she doesn't she will buy a new pair. Am I missing something here? I have gone through life with at the most five different pairs of shoes, black dress, brown dress, a running shoe, sandals, and whatever else. Above all I have never even thought do these shoes go with...? However a woman will have 18 pair of black shoes each that she might have only wore once, and if she wears that outfit again she will have to buy a new, different pair. And it goes without saying if a woman buys a new outfit, the shoe store is the next spot to go. I hold these truths to self-evident that all black shoes are created equal and can be worn again.
I recently became single again after a four year relationship with a great woman, my best estimate is that she had 18,098 diffent pairs of shoes, three closets full to be exact. It was an addiction at its worst consider this for example: her favorite "everyday" shoe was some kind of Addidas running shoe. Now I was thinking to myself great she found a pair she really likes I won't have to put away 10 different pairs every day (she changed shoes alot). However it turned out to be quite a different story after finding this great shoe she bought every god damn color of that shoe they made, and on top of that had matching shoe laces for each! Giving the old phrase "If the shoe fits" a whole new meaning. To her If the shoe fits, buy it! must have been the way to shop. What is the deal?
Shoes are important. Consider this for men all of their pants fit basically the same. However for women, there are going out pants (tighter and longer, sweatpants, regular jeans, nice jeans, skinny jeans - all of these require different shoes. Some need a heel. Some need a flat. Some need something sporty.
Time for word verification. I have about 20 pairs of shoes, what does that say about me?
Chadley that just means that you are a flamer, nothing more sorry.
Shoes could be considered a legal addiction, however not by much.
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