Why one might think that I am gay...but not really

First of all let’s get the biggest one out of the way... I thought that The Notebook was a good movie. The big problem I have with this one is that my ex-girlfriend didn't even want to see it, however all of my friends (guys) that "had" to see it thought it wasn't that bad so that sparked my interest. Second the main actress is drop dead gorgeous, and by that I don't mean your run of the mill drop dead gorgeous, I mean that times 10000 (I am starting to think that I have an addiction to red heads but we will talk about that at a later date and time.
The second reason one might think that I am gay is I have a bathroom full of things that might not fit in the ordinary guys bathroom. For instance, I will start off with the astringent what a great product! A product full of alcohol that you cannot drink, that’s ggggggreatt! It doesn't stop there I also have a microwaveable wax that does a great job of controlling the eyebrow problem. And by problem I do not under any circumstance want any of you to think that I have a uni-brow I just need to tame some loose hair. I also have this thing that most people call a loofa (sp) all I can say to that is WTF, won’t a wash cloth work?... NO because you have to wash a washcloth a loofa stays there it is always ready. I also have not one, but two different types of shampoo I alternate I don’t know why…
And finally, I need to start this one off with an introduction about my apartment, IT IS BY FAR THE MANLIEST PLACE TO LIVE. That being said, I have somewhat of a flower garden on my deck right next to the pool table in my great manly apartment I didn’t start it I just take care of it.
Think what you will I have never been mistaken for being gay. Any thoughts, I am open to any criticism?
LOL yeah I get a lot of shit for it from the guys.
I know I have had a busy week
Tonight I promise
Wow, I leave for vacay and the blog is not updated. I come back from Vegas and this is what I have to read.
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