Why I have 6+ years in a 4 year education

...And it isn't because I am retarded.
I know that there has to be at least a couple of reasons why I have yet to finish college. That being said I need to say that I only have two credits needed to finish. For those who haven't attended a gay-ass private college that is TWO classes. I have been trying to get a BS in CIS for at least six years, and the only thing that is holding me back is two classes! I have had it down to two classes for aprox. two years. That has to be the most pathetic thing many of you have heard in years I swear. Having said that I have finally decided to go back and finish what I started back in 1999.
The first reason that I have yet to finish is simple: College sucks. By that I mean the learning part. I love the day to day I don't give a fuck attitude, I also love the parties. But the thing that sucks is the majority of classes that require you to be there. I mean come on we are suppose to be adults, to the best of my knowledge all one would have to do is read the book. However that could not be further from the truth, the majority of the classes that I took required attendance, and I was a stoner. I had to take accounting two three times only because on attendance! That has to be the biggest kick in the nuts that anyone could expect because the homework, tests, and anything else that went towards my grade was at least an A, however the attendance killed my GPA, to that I say WTF! One should be able to decide if they want to go to class, attendance should never count because when I did decide to go to Accounting II at
Another reason it has taken me this long to get this pathetic degree is the fact that I hate my degree (Computer Information Systems). You go into college straight from high school, now when I was that age I had only one thing on my mind (well maybe two but the second one usually results in some sort of sexual act), and that was money. Computer degrees where and still are making quite a bit of money, but since I have matured a bit I couldn't under any circumstance work in front of a computer for the rest of my life. I mean Carpultunnel (sp) is a bitch, or so I have heard.
And the final reason that I am working on my sixth year is... Wartburg Fucked up! I was suppose to graduate some time ago, in the year I was to be out my advisor told me I was good to go, I took a lot of art classes my senior year, and when they did my senior audit my advisor forgot to tell me that I had a couple of business classes left. So as a result I took a year off, thinking I would never go back.
As a result I have a few words of wisdom…First only go to college if you want to. Second Make sure you are going for the right reasons. And finally if neither of those work, take a great job working in your families’ business! Or go into the porn industry.
after your previous post, I was thinking that you are in the porn business. Gay porn that is
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