The Highly Unreal world.

Visiting one of the world’s greatest blog today, Austin's Wonderland I started to think about MTV's The Real World. The problem with this show is simple in my very short time of being in the "real world" a lot of the things portrayed in this show turned to be untrue. As you could have probably guessed I will forever be scarred as a result. While watching this show in High school, and still every once in awhile I am constantly questioning why my world isn't real...
For instance, when I go out to the bars, how come I don't start crying when someone isn't paying attention to me?
Or why can't I totally miss a day or two of work without loosing my job? That would be great!
Why is it that when I get a project completed at work I don't get a free trip to
How come I don't live in a multi-million dollar house with curtains for doors, and a disease infested hot-tub? ---I like that one.
Why didn't I have sex with all of my roommates that would be a fun time. (Probably because all of the roommates I had were guys, damn I missed out there)
Ohh well, The Real World is a great show that provides the youth of the world the possibility to see what it is really like out there in this "real world". Damn it is 4:00 time for a run LOL.
That's right bitch. 4:00 time to run.
Puck was the shit for sure!
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