Guilty Pleasures...

Listening to Rich and Covino live today on Maxim radio they were talking about what Peyton Manning said in the interview on Monday night football. In said interview Peyton claimed that one of his favorite songs was Kenny Loggins Footloose.
Anyway, they had a segment in the show called "Guilty Pleasures" needless to say it got pretty bad. Here are some of the highlights...
First the grossest...One guy called in and said he absolutely loved the smell of his own flatulence. Even going as far as cupping it in his hand at the source, just to smell it. WTF!!
Another guy that was in his early forties still loves, and watches the show Full House.
Another guy called in saying secretly one of his all time favorite songs was Celine Dion's song in the movie Titanic.
Which got me thinking, do I have any Guilty Pleasures? I have contemplated it now for about 2 hours and I would have to say I occasionally watch Trading Spaces on TLC, and Wife Swap makes some damn good TV too. I hope no one thinks any less of me.
What are your guilty pleasures?
Yeah got it back though...minor scratches, ALL cds gone, pretty much a joyride...Since then absolutely no upgrades to any of my cars, all factory. I believe it reduces the risk.
What car was stolen? your new lincoln or the Monte
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