Paris Hilton...

Another post about someone that I don't particullarly care for, hold on this one might be brutal.
First of all why does everyone think that Paris is sooooo hot? I mean don't get me wrong I would (thinking of a subtle way to put this)....Throw it in her. But only if it was double wrapped. (sorry if I offended anyone) Anyway Paris kind of reminds me of a mentally challenged alien, with a drinking problem. She has been called America's Royalty...WHY? Is it becasue she is filthy rich, and hasn't had to do a damn thing in her whole life? Because if that is true America has a lot of so called "royalty" for instance 90% of the Walton family.
Another reason I think that Paris is a pathetic waste of human tissue is the fact that she took Tara Reid straight to the shit hole with her. I mean come on its one thing to waste your own life, but to bring poor inocent Tara down with you...where is the humanity in that? Tara had a touch of class anyone from her hometown Wyckoff (pronounced wack-off), New Jersey would know that. Tara was as innocent as a baby puppy before she met up with Paris.
Taking Tara forever out of my life was one thing, but what is up with the fact that every picture Paris is in she has the exact same smile on her face? She must be a robot. A robot sent out to destroy my life.
Skank O'Rama
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