
Daily ramblings about nothing specific.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Conversations with a 9 year old.

Traxas 302: what up
Buffalo Solider5: what up gansta
Traxas 302: what up ganster
Buffalo Solider5: no gansta
Traxas 302: going to moive bye
Buffalo Solider5: who the hell is this?
Traxas 302: what up gansta
Buffalo Solider5: word beotch
Traxas 302: beotch
Traxas 302 signed off at 4:43:10 PM.


Traxas 302: hello weaner
Buffalo Solider5: Who is weiner this is Mr. Miyagi
Traxas 302: what did you say santa JR.???
Buffalo Solider5: Dainelson... stop
Traxas 302: i am FRTGR^YHGFR
Traxas 302: nice loser
Buffalo Solider5: you r retarded
Traxas 302: i know what you but what am i
Buffalo Solider5: what
Buffalo Solider5: look what u just wrote
Traxas 302: i know what you are
Buffalo Solider5: I know what I am too
Traxas 302: what?
Buffalo Solider5: A super-cool human
Traxas 302: shure shurelock
Buffalo Solider5: did you mean......sure Sherlock
Buffalo Solider5: I am also all-knowing
Buffalo Solider5: all-seeing
Buffalo Solider5: and super-cool
Traxas 302: you are really slow at tyeping
Buffalo Solider5: I am not
Buffalo Solider5: you mean typing
Traxas 302: yes
Buffalo Solider5: duh
Traxas 302: you are a dork
Buffalo Solider5: no, on the contrary I am a super-cool,
all-seeing, all knowing human

Traxas 302: sure homo
Buffalo Solider5: shure
Traxas 302: i mean a super king of homos
Buffalo Solider5: If I am the king of all homos doesn't
that in fact mean that theres a queen of all homos,
proving that I am not a homo?

Traxas 302: nnnnnnoooooooooo
Buffalo Solider5: I think so
Traxas 302: GOOD BYE
Buffalo Solider5: why?
Buffalo Solider5: ohhhh!!!
Buffalo Solider5: u got me
Buffalo Solider5: BTW Harry Potter died today
Traxas 302: sure
Buffalo Solider5: are you?
Traxas 302: who dork good bye fair well:'(
Buffalo Solider5: r u crying?
Traxas 302: no you are weird
Traxas 302 signed off at 5:37:29 PM.

I am the eldest of four kids in my family recently however I gave my little brother my IM screen name and this is the thanks I get. I do have to say that I would not want to be my parents because he is a handful! He is defiantly 9 going on 19. He is a great kid however, he does run the house and it is quite interesting seeing him once a week you get to hear an unfiltered version of the weeks happenings. Siblings...life would not be the same without them.


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