Movie theaters, quite an experience.
A couple of friends and I went to see Saw II this weekend and personally I thought the movie was great, however that isn't what I want to talk about. I have to say that I hate going to the movie theater period, however this was one of the Movies that one must see in the theater. I would say that 90% of the time I would rather watch the movie at my house.
The only reason I despise going to the theater is quite simple I hate the stupid asses that don't understand that a lot of people are watch the movie with you. You know the type, the young high schoolers, the smelly fat guy, the cell phone guy, the list goes on. Almost every time I go to the theater I am stuck being close to one of these people.
This weekend was different I didn't have any of these people even in the theater! I was completely suprized and as a result I have made a few assumptions as to where they might have been...
It took me awhile to figure where this guy was but then it hit me the Cool high school guy has already seen this movie, I mean come on this movie has probably been out for a month, I wonder what that says about me?Cool High school kid
This guy is recovering from the Thanksgiving feast, after having 32 plates of food, and almost a whole pie, and topping it off with a case of Old Milwaukee light he can barely move. Sitting at home the last thing this guy has on his mind is going to a movie...Smelly Fat Guy
This guy was there he had to be, the Cell phone guy is everywhere now he sometimes even shows up in the bathroom to that I ask if the person on the other end knows he is talking to you while he is dropping a deuce, and secondly why he is he doing that in a public restroom? But that is another subject. Anyway I think this guy either figured out that his cell phone has a silent option, or he forgot his phone in the car although highly unlikely...Cell Phone Guy
In conclusion I hope that none of you are like any of the people described above if so, grow-up, shower, or turn that damn phone off... Just Kidding, and I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
In Loving memory of Mr. Miyagi...
"wax on, wax off"
"wax on, wax off"
We need to make some tshirts up that say "I am blogging about you"
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