To all aspiring pilots, WOW!

This Picture amazes me. This happens to be a Boeing 747 landing on a 50' wide runway. That leaves roughly 4' per side of plane. The smallest runway I have landed/taken off from is 129' wide. Either one of two things happened here, emergency landing, or this pilot needed a challenge for some stupid ass reason.
I believe that I could do this though. I am pretty good with staying on the centerline, however I have room for error. This guy is SOL if he gets off the pavement though.
On a side note... A too big for an acronym , What The Fuck? To a rather attractive 25, year-old teacher(Lafave) that had sex with one of her 14-year old students. Cut the kid some slack being 14 and scoring with the teacher he must know something that I didn't know about women when I was 14. But the teacher that is just wrong, and quite disgusting she should know better.
What the hell is up with all these teachers having sex with their pupils? Unless you are Michael Jackson, or a 14 year-old girl you should have no interest in a 14-year old boy...
Yes, but could you land that in a crosswind? I think not. I have flown with you. You have skillz but that landing is krazy
No f*cking way man, a crosswind landing is completely out of the question in this circumstance.
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