
Daily ramblings about nothing specific.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My prayers have been answered!

After waking up this morning, having the strange feeling that something was missing in my life I decided to watch some TV.

While watching, (regretfully) 100 Most Unexpected TV Moments on TV Land, I found it then and there the thing that I so desperately needed to complete life as I know it was right in front of my eyes. I bet you are asking yourself what I saw. Well let me tell you it was one of the greatest commercials of all time. There right in front of me was George and he was at it again!

While I was watching this commercial I was saying no…no… how can someone improve upon the George Forman grill? Little did I know all you had to do was make sure you could cook waffles on it! Not only that but it has interchangeable plates! One for waffles, steak, and a grill plate, and it bakes! Now at this time I am sure you are saying holy shit George! I know I was, I mean come on how can he possibly knock the fat out of a waffle? All I can say is Ron Popeil had better watch the Fu*k out because there is a train coming and George is the conductor.

The only question I have is how does the waffle batter not drip out?


At 9:49 AM, Blogger DANNIELA said...

Hey, I could get Chad one of these for Christmas. I’m proud to say he has ventured back into eating meat again! “Yea just thought you would like to hear that”
Is that funny or what!!

Bubbles : )

At 10:42 AM, Blogger MunkieFast said...

I was held down by 50 people and was force fed

At 2:44 PM, Blogger DANNIELA said...

Hey are you going to update your site???? Oh I forgot gay people don't update everyday they just look for dates!!!


Have a great night,

P.S "oh" do they have a blogger site for gay's?


At 3:18 PM, Blogger Steve! said...

OHHH funny! I will never hear the end of that story I can see that already..

At 3:58 PM, Blogger DANNIELA said...

Your so right!

: )

At 7:14 AM, Blogger DANNIELA said...

Steve quit spending time with the guy and update your site!!



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