Why the hell am I still alive?..Merry X-mas

For some reason I thought of this today while I was moving snow... I should be dead, after thinking of all the shit that I did as a kid it is completely amazing that I am alive and have both of my eyes.
For the first example, my grandparents had a house along the river here in Wavetown and it had a huge ass hill, even by my grown-up everything seems small life now. Anyway sledding down this hill was the best however this one time (not at band camp) I was heading in the wrong direction. For whatever reason I decided to stay on heading right into their pine wood fence. I can remember it perfectly, I rolled out of the sled, no ordinary sled however this mother was the fastest and still is. As I was saying I rolled out and felt like my face was gone yelling at my brother to go get g-ma I though I was dying, and if it wasn't for g-ma's loving care I know I would have. turns out all I had was a cut though.
The next example that I can remeber Would have to be the BB gun wars that I would have with one of my brothers in my other g-ma's basement. I was probably 11 and he was probably 9? all we would do is shoot at each other. If you are reading this G-ma I am sorry for the thousands of canned green bean jars that stepped into the line of fire.
This one has to be the most dangerous though growing up we had go-karts, mini-bikes, and dirt bikes. This one involves the go-kart to my recolection there are only a couple witnesses. I was on the go-kart and we got rid of our horses, however we decided to put a kart track inside the fortress of hell also known as barb wire fencing, why? I don't know. Anyway going through turn 2 at about 80 mph (jk) I flipped and ended up in the barb wire however for some reason didn't even get a scratch!
And By the way everyone have a fun, safe, and joyous Chirstmas! Or to be more PC, Happy Holidays!
I have always ponder this question too, but more often I wonder "How the hell did I avoid jail time?" I mean I was a total shyt when I was a kid.
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