Howard Stern gets Sirius today

Is saying that you are uncensored worth it? I say yes. But alot of true die hard Howard fans will be forever lost without him, because to some the $0.43 a day for the service is too much, or just not feasible. Don't get me wrong over the last month something like 1,000,000 people joined Sirius for Stern but I would say that many more people will be living without Stern that had him as part of their morning routine.
Now it has also been said that the FCC is going after Satellite (music or TV) and cable companies (they have been for years). Why the fuck do they think that they can censor people from something that you have to consciously purchase some perhaps just for the racier content? Damn them!
Do you think he really cares about not be sensored anymore, or that he is just stoke on this $220 Million stock option bonus. You will note today's hottie is his G/F
AHHHHH yes, The money how could I forget that one. But at the same time I would have to think he is more for the freedom
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