Correct me if I am wrong...
At first I thought that I was going to be able to go awhile until I purchased an Xbox 360, I could not have been more wrong. I want it like a fat kid wants cake, maybe even more so. I see the commercials for the games and I am in awe! The video looks absolutely amazing and I am glad to see that they are pushing the High Def. in the video game industry it needed to be there.
This is a graph that depicts Supply and Demand.
It is quite simple to interpret as demand goes from D1 to
D2 the price goes up,and the quantity of product needed
to meet demand goes up (obviously).
However I do not feel this really works in the Xbox 360 realm the demand is there take a look at EBay, but they are not pumping out more supply. Furthermore in my rather short life history I have never seen the price of a console go above the price they had at release... So that probably won't happen. So where are the consoles?
Now I am not saying that I remember everything from Micro/Macro classes but am I missing something here because the only people making money are EBay sellers...