
Daily ramblings about nothing specific.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Correct me if I am wrong...

At first I thought that I was going to be able to go awhile until I purchased an Xbox 360, I could not have been more wrong. I want it like a fat kid wants cake, maybe even more so. I see the commercials for the games and I am in awe! The video looks absolutely amazing and I am glad to see that they are pushing the High Def. in the video game industry it needed to be there.

This is a graph that depicts Supply and Demand.

It is quite simple to interpret as demand goes from D1 to
D2 the price goes up,and the quantity of product needed
to meet demand goes up (obviously).

However I do not feel this really works in the Xbox 360 realm the demand is there take a look at EBay, but they are not pumping out more supply. Furthermore in my rather short life history I have never seen the price of a console go above the price they had at release... So that probably won't happen. So where are the consoles?

Now I am not saying that I remember everything from Micro/Macro classes but am I missing something here because the only people making money are EBay sellers...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Conversations with a 9 year old.

Traxas 302: what up
Buffalo Solider5: what up gansta
Traxas 302: what up ganster
Buffalo Solider5: no gansta
Traxas 302: going to moive bye
Buffalo Solider5: who the hell is this?
Traxas 302: what up gansta
Buffalo Solider5: word beotch
Traxas 302: beotch
Traxas 302 signed off at 4:43:10 PM.


Traxas 302: hello weaner
Buffalo Solider5: Who is weiner this is Mr. Miyagi
Traxas 302: what did you say santa JR.???
Buffalo Solider5: Dainelson... stop
Traxas 302: i am FRTGR^YHGFR
Traxas 302: nice loser
Buffalo Solider5: you r retarded
Traxas 302: i know what you but what am i
Buffalo Solider5: what
Buffalo Solider5: look what u just wrote
Traxas 302: i know what you are
Buffalo Solider5: I know what I am too
Traxas 302: what?
Buffalo Solider5: A super-cool human
Traxas 302: shure shurelock
Buffalo Solider5: did you mean......sure Sherlock
Buffalo Solider5: I am also all-knowing
Buffalo Solider5: all-seeing
Buffalo Solider5: and super-cool
Traxas 302: you are really slow at tyeping
Buffalo Solider5: I am not
Buffalo Solider5: you mean typing
Traxas 302: yes
Buffalo Solider5: duh
Traxas 302: you are a dork
Buffalo Solider5: no, on the contrary I am a super-cool,
all-seeing, all knowing human

Traxas 302: sure homo
Buffalo Solider5: shure
Traxas 302: i mean a super king of homos
Buffalo Solider5: If I am the king of all homos doesn't
that in fact mean that theres a queen of all homos,
proving that I am not a homo?

Traxas 302: nnnnnnoooooooooo
Buffalo Solider5: I think so
Traxas 302: GOOD BYE
Buffalo Solider5: why?
Buffalo Solider5: ohhhh!!!
Buffalo Solider5: u got me
Buffalo Solider5: BTW Harry Potter died today
Traxas 302: sure
Buffalo Solider5: are you?
Traxas 302: who dork good bye fair well:'(
Buffalo Solider5: r u crying?
Traxas 302: no you are weird
Traxas 302 signed off at 5:37:29 PM.

I am the eldest of four kids in my family recently however I gave my little brother my IM screen name and this is the thanks I get. I do have to say that I would not want to be my parents because he is a handful! He is defiantly 9 going on 19. He is a great kid however, he does run the house and it is quite interesting seeing him once a week you get to hear an unfiltered version of the weeks happenings. Siblings...life would not be the same without them.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Movie theaters, quite an experience.

A couple of friends and I went to see Saw II this weekend and personally I thought the movie was great, however that isn't what I want to talk about. I have to say that I hate going to the movie theater period, however this was one of the Movies that one must see in the theater. I would say that 90% of the time I would rather watch the movie at my house.

The only reason I despise going to the theater is quite simple I hate the stupid asses that don't understand that a lot of people are watch the movie with you. You know the type, the young high schoolers, the smelly fat guy, the cell phone guy, the list goes on. Almost every time I go to the theater I am stuck being close to one of these people.

This weekend was different I didn't have any of these people even in the theater! I was completely suprized and as a result I have made a few assumptions as to where they might have been...
Cool High school kid
It took me awhile to figure where this guy was but then it hit me the Cool high school guy has already seen this movie, I mean come on this movie has probably been out for a month, I wonder what that says about me?
Smelly Fat Guy
This guy is recovering from the Thanksgiving feast, after having 32 plates of food, and almost a whole pie, and topping it off with a case of Old Milwaukee light he can barely move. Sitting at home the last thing this guy has on his mind is going to a movie...
Cell Phone Guy
This guy was there he had to be, the Cell phone guy is everywhere now he sometimes even shows up in the bathroom to that I ask if the person on the other end knows he is talking to you while he is dropping a deuce, and secondly why he is he doing that in a public restroom? But that is another subject. Anyway I think this guy either figured out that his cell phone has a silent option, or he forgot his phone in the car although highly unlikely...

In conclusion I hope that none of you are like any of the people described above if so, grow-up, shower, or turn that damn phone off... Just Kidding, and I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

In Loving memory of Mr. Miyagi...
"wax on, wax off"

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

To all aspiring pilots, WOW!

This Picture amazes me. This happens to be a Boeing 747 landing on a 50' wide runway. That leaves roughly 4' per side of plane. The smallest runway I have landed/taken off from is 129' wide. Either one of two things happened here, emergency landing, or this pilot needed a challenge for some stupid ass reason.

I believe that I could do this though. I am pretty good with staying on the centerline, however I have room for error. This guy is SOL if he gets off the pavement though.

On a side note... A too big for an acronym , What The Fuck? To a rather attractive 25, year-old teacher(Lafave) that had sex with one of her 14-year old students. Cut the kid some slack being 14 and scoring with the teacher he must know something that I didn't know about women when I was 14. But the teacher that is just wrong, and quite disgusting she should know better.

What the hell is up with all these teachers having sex with their pupils? Unless you are Michael Jackson, or a 14 year-old girl you should have no interest in a 14-year old boy...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

What are you thankful for?

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. It’s time to start to think about the Thanksgiving prayer. It was a huge thing in my Ex g-friend’s family where you went around the table listing things you are thankful for here are a few things I wanted to say…

  1. (the obvious) I am thankful that Chadley found a girl I was beginning to question his sexuality.
  2. I am thankful that Chef Boyardee cans have pull-off lids, because sometimes you just can’t find the can opener.
  3. I am thankful for the Super Wal-mart that is coming in across the street because a beer run is always safer when you can walk there.
  4. I am thankful for Tivo because sometimes you just have to rewind live TV to see if there was a nip slip on network TV. (never happens, but at least you know for sure)
  5. I am thankful for the Hot Dog Express that is in the break room because the microwave is just too slow.

What are you thankful for? (and it can't be the obvious things either)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Greatest song of all time?

Is there such a thing? That is a very tough question. Like being asked what pet was your favorite as a kid. I can honestly say that I DO NOT HAVE A GREATEST (or favorite) SONG! I have however made a top ten all time greatest song list:

Drum roll please...
(in no particular order)
1. Stairway to Heaven, Led Zepplin
2. London Calling, The Clash
3. November Rain, Guns and Roses
4. No Woman no Cry, Bob Marley
5. Hotel California, The Eagles
6. Piano Man, Bill Joel
7. If I Close My Eyes Forever, Lita Ford and Ozzy Osbourne
8. While my Guitar Gently Weeps, The Beatles
9. Freebird, Lynyrd Skynyrd
10. Wish You Were Here, Pink Floyd

Agree, Disagree, did I forget anything?

Monday, November 14, 2005

Emo..............AKA my parents hate me.

Emo…By Definition, Like a Goth, only much less dark and much more Harry Potter. For example an Emo can be quoted as saying such meaningless things such as…My life sucks, I want to cry. An “Emo” person can be easily identified in the street, they usually wear all black clothes, and usually have black hair however do not forget that these people often wear mascara irregardless of gender!! (I went with underline because I thought it was more dramatic than italicize) The problem results in kids that grow up in upper-middle class house holds to lower high-class house holds. It is basically the new version of people that resent their parents, however they have EMOtion. In other words they are the people that you picked on in school (maybe 5-10 years ago) however now instead of fighting back they say…nothing and start crying….WHAT THE FUCK!!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Guilty Pleasures...

Listening to Rich and Covino live today on Maxim radio they were talking about what Peyton Manning said in the interview on Monday night football. In said interview Peyton claimed that one of his favorite songs was Kenny Loggins Footloose.

Anyway, they had a segment in the show called "Guilty Pleasures" needless to say it got pretty bad. Here are some of the highlights...

First the grossest...One guy called in and said he absolutely loved the smell of his own flatulence. Even going as far as cupping it in his hand at the source, just to smell it. WTF!!

Another guy that was in his early forties still loves, and watches the show Full House.

Another guy called in saying secretly one of his all time favorite songs was Celine Dion's song in the movie Titanic.

Which got me thinking, do I have any Guilty Pleasures? I have contemplated it now for about 2 hours and I would have to say I occasionally watch Trading Spaces on TLC, and Wife Swap makes some damn good TV too. I hope no one thinks any less of me.

What are your guilty pleasures?

Thursday, November 03, 2005

A serious question

If you were Ford motor company would you get rid of the Mustang? Or would Chevrolet ever get rid of the Corvette? HELL NO! Then why? Why my friends did Hershey's, Jolly Rancher's parent company ever get rid of the peach flavored hard candy? It was a little piece of heaven every time you popped one into your mouth. It was a summer day, with nothing to do but sip lemonade and vodka while sitting on the beach watching beautiful women all enclosed in a little cellophane wrapper. When Jolly Rancher let go of the eternal bliss of the peach flavored piece of candy in essence they cut the Corvette, and got rid of the Mustang. For what? To bring in the bastard child of the whole Jolly Rancher organization into the limelight…the blue raspberry. That would be like Ford replacing the Mustang with a new revamped version of the Fiesta. I will never understand…

Have any of your favorite candies been bastardized?

Paris Hilton...

Another post about someone that I don't particullarly care for, hold on this one might be brutal.

First of all why does everyone think that Paris is sooooo hot? I mean don't get me wrong I would (thinking of a subtle way to put this)....Throw it in her. But only if it was double wrapped. (sorry if I offended anyone) Anyway Paris kind of reminds me of a mentally challenged alien, with a drinking problem. She has been called America's Royalty...WHY? Is it becasue she is filthy rich, and hasn't had to do a damn thing in her whole life? Because if that is true America has a lot of so called "royalty" for instance 90% of the Walton family.

Another reason I think that Paris is a pathetic waste of human tissue is the fact that she took Tara Reid straight to the shit hole with her. I mean come on its one thing to waste your own life, but to bring poor inocent Tara down with you...where is the humanity in that? Tara had a touch of class anyone from her hometown Wyckoff (pronounced wack-off), New Jersey would know that. Tara was as innocent as a baby puppy before she met up with Paris.

Taking Tara forever out of my life was one thing, but what is up with the fact that every picture Paris is in she has the exact same smile on her face? She must be a robot. A robot sent out to destroy my life.